Single Use Cannula
Reusable Cannula
Stainless Steel
Surgical Procedure Sets
Disposable Knives
Diagnostic Strips
Drapes & Dressing
Trephines and Punches
Showing all 8 results
J001-Retrobulbar Anaesthesia Needle (Atkinson)
J003-Retrobulbar Anaesthesia Needle (Sharp Point)
J005-Peribulbar Anaesthesia Needle (Atkinson)
J009-19-Subtenon’s Anaesthesia Cannula 19gx25mm
J011-Sub Tenon’s Anaesthesia Triport
J013-21-Sub Tenon’s Anaesthesia Para Needle 21gx30mm
J1009-23-Sub Tenon’s Anaesthesia Curved Spatulated 23gx35mm
J1013-24-Muthusamy Anaeshthesia Needle 24g
J1013-24-Muthusamy Anaeshthesia Needle 24g
Design fascilitates to course around the globe and parallel to the optic nerve.