Single Use Cannula
Reusable Cannula
Stainless Steel
Surgical Procedure Sets
Disposable Knives
Diagnostic Strips
Drapes & Dressing
Trephines and Punches
Showing 1–24 of 84 results
55-348T-Straight Dressing Forceps With Delicate Serrations
55-350T-Iris Forceps With Teeth Straight
55-351T-Iris Forceps With Teeth Curved
55-353T-Bishop-harmon Iris Forceps, 1×2 Teeth Delicate, Titanium
55-373T-Castroviejo Fixation Forceps, 1×2 Teeth 11.5 Cm
55-375T-Lester Fixation Forceps, 1×2 Teeth 9cm
55-378T-Bores Fixation Forceps Curved
55-383T-Dastoor Superior Rectus Forceps
55-385T-Jeweller Straight Forceps #1
55-386T-Jeweller Straight Forceps #3
55-387T-Jeweller’s Forceps #3c
55-400T-Desmarres Chalazion Forceps, Small 20 Mm
55-401T-Desmarres Chalazion Forceps, Medium 26 Mm
55-402T-Desmarres Chalazion Forceps, Large 31 Mm
55-409T-Cilia Forceps Wide
55-420T-Jaffe Tying Forceps Straight
55-424T-Tennant Tying Forceps Straight
55-425T-Tennant Curved Tying Forceps
55-429T-Mcpherson Tying Forceps Straight
55-430T-Mcpherson Tying Forceps Long Handle Straight, Titanium
55-432T-Mcpherson Tying Forceps Angled
55-435T-Castroveijo Suture Forceps 1×2 Teeth 0.12 Mm, Titanium
55-436T-Castroveijo Suture Forceps 1×2 Teeth 0.2 Mm
55-437T-Castroviejo Tying Forceps Straight,1×2 Teeth 0.3mm