Single Use Cannula
Reusable Cannula
Stainless Steel
Surgical Procedure Sets
Disposable Knives
Diagnostic Strips
Drapes & Dressing
Trephines and Punches
Showing 1–24 of 28 results
30-220-Elschning Cyclodialysis Spatula
30-221-Castroviejo Double Ended Cyclodialysis Spatula 0.50MM
30-222-Castroveijo Dbl Cyclodialysis Spatuales 0.25MM
30-223-Dastoor Pupil & Iris Repositor
30-223.1-Iris Repositor Double Ended
30-223.2-Iris Repositor Single Ended
30-224-Mcreynold Spatula & Hook
30-225-Knapp Spatula & Hook
30-226-Mcpherson Iris Spatula
30-227-Wheeler Double-ended Spatula Lighty Curved
30-228-Girald Synechiae Spatula Semisharp Tip 0.5MM Wide
30-230-Jaffe Lens Spatula
30-231-Koch Nucleous Spatula
30-232-Koch Nucleous Spatula With Notches
30-233-Paton Double Ended Spatula
30-234-Gill-welsh Lens Loop & Olive Tip Probe
45-323-Fukasaku Lasik Spatula
45-324-Guimaraes Lasik Spatula
45-682-Globe Fixation Rod For Sideport
45-683-Erm Peeler 23g
45-684-Erm Scratcher 20g
45-685-Erm Spatula 20g
45-686-Erm Pick Angled 90 Degree 20g